Hannover International Worship

Twenty Years of Hannover International Worship

We are excited and grateful to announce that Hannover International Worship is going to celebrate its 20th anniversary this year.
In December of 2003, we had the first Hannover International Worship ever. We look forward to celebrating our 20th anniversary with you this year with a number of special services.
If you are curious to see how it all began, you may read up on our history on our
website: www.haniwo.de – or have a look at our sermon archive and read the very first sermon ever held at Hannover International Worship!


Service in English - HIW -

The "haniwo"-team sends a warm welcome to everyone who wants to take part in our monthly services at Petri Church in Kleefeld.
Our services are held on the third Sunday of every month at 11:30 and feature sermons by different preachers.
Come along and join in! Usually we have guests from a whole variety of nations and backgrounds.
And during the refreshments (after the actual services) there is always time to get to know each other or just have a relaxed chat.
You can easily arrive at the Petri church on "Doerriesplatz" near the "Pferdeturm" using tram line 4 or 5, station Kantplatz.

                                                    Gottesdienst auf Englisch >> HIW <<
Ein Gottesdienst in englischer Sprache wird jeden dritten Sonntag im Monat in der Kleefelder Petrikirche gefeiert.
Der >> Hannover International Worship << beginnt um 11.30 Uhr.
Der Einzugsbereich  des englischsprachigen Gottesdienstes erstreckt sich über die ganze Stadt Hannover und ihre Umgebung bis hin nach Hildesheim und Springe.
Die sich an den Gottesdienst anschließenden „get togethers“ bei „tea and coffee and finger food“ erfreut sich großer Beliebtheit. 
Die Petrikirche am Dörriesplatz in Sichtweite der Pferdeturmkreuzung ist mit den Stadtbahnlinien 4 und 5 gut zu erreichen. Haltestelle Kantplatz.

The next services - die nächsten Gottesdienste

Nikodemus 11.30 Uhr

Hannover International Worship
Pastorin Dr. Vera Pabst und Team (siehe Seite 9)

Petri 11.30 Uhr

Hannover International Worship
World Day of Prayer
with the Petri-Nikodemus Guitar Players
Pastorin Viola Chrzanowski

Petri 11.30 Uhr

Hannover International Worship
with Fabian Hiemsch, solo trumpet

Petri 11.30 Uhr

FREITAG, anlässlich des Kirchentags in Hannover
Hannover International Worship Kirchentag-Special
(Seite 3), Pastorin Viola Chrzanowski

Petri 11.30 Uhr

Hannover International Worship
Rev. Dr. Benti Ujulu Tesso

How to register for a service

Registrations and tickets for church services

NOT APPLICABLE at current time.

Both the services on Christmas Eve in both churches, as
also the English-speaking Hannover International Worship services on the 4th Advent can only be visited with advance notice.
For the services on December 24th You can buy tickets from the 1st of Advent, can be picked up at the respective church location:
in Nicodemus during office hours in
Lüneburger Damm 2b and after the services;
in Petri to the office by Mrs. Wode and after the services.
Tickets can be purchased after the November HIW on November 21. until December 16 to be picked up at Ms. Wode's office.